Lange, Internationales Handbuch des Marken- und Kennzeichenrechts
First Part: Countries
Chapter 1: Belgium
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Vanhees, professor at the University of Ghent and the University of Antwerp
Chapter 2: China
Lian Yunze, attorney at law, Beijing
Connie Zhuang, attorney at law, Beijing
Yi Wenhui, attorney at law, Beijing
Chapter 3: Germany
Prof. Dr. Paul Lange, attorney al law, honorary professor at the Niederrhein University of Applied Science, Düsseldorf
Chapter 4: France
Dr. Pascale Tréfigny, senior lecturer, University of Grenoble II
Chapter 5: Italy
Prof. Avv. Adriano Vanzetti, attorney at law, emeritus professor at the Catholic University of Milan, Milan
Chapter 6: Japan
Kazuko Matsuo, LL.B., LL.M., M.C.J., attorney at law, Tokyo
Chapter 7: Canada
Kelly Gill, B.A. (Hons.), LL.B., LL.M., attorney at law, lecturer at the University of Toronto and the University of Western Ontario, Toronto
Chapter 8: Netherlands
Dr. P.A.C.E. van der Kooij, senior lecturer, Leiden University
Chapter 9: Austria
Dr. Christian Hauer, attorney at law, Vienna
Chapter 10: Portugal
Prof. Dr. José de Oliveira Ascensão, attorney at law, emeritus professor at the University of Lisbon, Lisbon
Chapter 11: Russia
Prof. Dr. Alexander Petrovic Sergeev, professor at the St. Petersburg State University
Chapter 12: Shwitzerland
Prof. Dr. Eugen Marbach, attorney at law, titulary professor at the University of Berne
Peter Widmer, attorney at law, Berne
Chapter 13: Czech Republic
Prof. JUDr. Petr Hajn, DrSc., emeritus professor of the Masaryk University of Brno
Prof. JUDr. Ivo Telec, CSc., professor of the Masaryk University of Brno
Chapter 14: United Kingdom
Phillip Johnson Ph. D, LLB, LLM, Barrister, London
Second Part: Brand strategy
Dr. Klaus Schmidt († 2007), formerly Henrion, Ludlow, Schmidt, London
Third Part: Brand valuation
Prof. Dr. Klaus Brandmeyer, Hamburg, Brandmeyer Markenberatung GmbH & Co. KG, University of Management and Communication UMC Potsdam
Dr. Ottmar Franzen, director of Konzept & Markt GmbH Gesellschaft für Marketingforschung und Beratung; Vice President of the Commitee of „Brand evaluation“ at the association DIN e. V., Wiesbaden
Dr. Roland Schulz, previously managing shareholder of the HENKEL GROUP, Düsseldorf